Archives for: February 26th, 2024

What does steel fiber do in concrete?

Steel fibers are commonly used as a reinforcement material in concrete to enhance its mechanical properties and performance. When added to concrete, steel fibers act as a secondary reinforcement to improve tensile, flexural, and shear strength. There are other options in the market such as synthetic macro fibers, which are a type of reinforcement used…

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The benefits of using steel beams in basement construction

The use of steel beams for basement construction offers various benefits, contributing to the structural integrity, design flexibility, and overall efficiency of the building. Basements need beams primarily for structural support. Beams are essential components that help distribute the load of the building and its contents, transferring the weight to the foundation and, ultimately, to…

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Understanding rebar: The different types of steel used

Rebar, short for reinforcing bar, is typically made from carbon steel. Carbon steel is an alloy of iron and carbon, with small amounts of other elements added for specific properties. The specific grade and composition of the carbon steel used for rebar can vary, but it is generally chosen for its strength, durability, and ability…

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Precast concrete manufacturing: How it is made

Precast concrete is a type of construction material that is produced by casting concrete in a reusable mold or form off-site and then cured in a controlled environment before being transported to the construction site. This method offers several advantages, including increased efficiency, higher quality control, and reduced construction time. Keep reading to find out…

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